Toddlers, or children aged between one and three years of age, are embarking on a busy and exciting stage in their life, as this is when they begin to explore life independently. During this time, they learn eating behaviors and develop their skills, knowledge and attitudes relating to food. 1 During this stage of life, it is important for children to be taught healthy eating habits. A healthy diet provides the necessary energy and nutrients for growth and development. It also helps children develop a sense of taste as well as the acceptance and enjoyment of different foods. 2 According to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents, milk is recommended as part of a healthy diet as it provides essential nutrients such as protein and calcium. 3 Parents should be aware that milk comes in different forms. For example, whole milk or full cream milk contains all its original fat content, which children need. In contrast, skimmed milk has less fat hence it cont...